Start your day with a quick glance at EVERYTHING.
All your valuable client’s data stored in one place.
Cold Call, Follow Ups, Appointments, Tasks, Marketing. And More.
Select Product. Enter Quantity. Print Quotation.
Manage and track you products/services.
Never let a deal slip through your hands again.
Now your reporting tool is connected to your Accounts. Seamlessly.
Eye in the Sky.
See your Today’s Activities, Top Opportunities, Monthly Sales, Notifications and a lot more.
Add and manage all the important information regarding Clients and Companies in an efficient way.
Activity Base let’s user manage all their daily activities and keep a track of up-coming or pending activities.
Every opportunity can be linked with a quotation which can updated and managed. Generating personalized quotation for company and users.
Opportunity Box lets users manage and track all their on-going deals/inquiries.
Collection Box gives invoicing options and ability to manage payments directly.
Managers and Owners can now view everything from daily activities to generated opportunities in great detail.